пятница, 16 сентября 2011 г.

chinese places to visit::Traders from the court of kublai khan are said to have introduced them to the malabar region chinese places to visit

chinese places to visit chinese places to visit::Traders from the court of kublai khan are said to have introduced them to the malabar region.
Known in malayalam as cheenavala, they can also be seen throughout the backwaters further south.
The nets, which are suspended from arced poles and operated by levers and weights, require at least four men to control.
You can buy fresh fish from the tiny market here and have it grilled on the spot at one of the ramshackle stalls.
In one corner stands the church of st.
Francis, the first european church in india.
Originally built in wood and named santo antonio, it was probably associated with franciscan friars from portugal.
The facade, with multi curved sides, became the model for most christian churches in india.
Vasco da gama was buried here in 1524, but his body was later removed to portugal.
Under the dutch, the church was renovated and became protestant in 1663, then anglican with the advent of the british in 1795 and since 1949 has been attached to the church of south india.
Inside, various tombstone inscriptions have been placed in the walls, the earliest of which is from 1562.
One hangover from british days is the continued use of punkhas, large swinging cloth fans on frames suspended above the congregation; these are operated by people sitting outside pulling on cords.
The interior of the twentiethcentury santa cruz cathedral, south of st francis church, will delight fans of the colorfulverging on the downright gaudyindoromanorococo school of decoration.

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