воскресенье, 18 сентября 2011 г.

amitabha buddha::Countless eons ago, bhikshu dharma treasury made 48 inconceivable vows before lokesvaraja buddha amitabha buddha

amitabha buddha amitabha buddha::Countless eons ago, bhikshu dharma treasury made 48 inconceivable vows before lokesvaraja buddha.
He vowed that his buddhaland will be the most blissful and pure; that all who are born there will advance irreversibly to buddhahood.
Bhikshu dharma treasury is now amitabha buddha.
The splendor of his hallmarks has no peer.
Are countless bodhisattvas and infnite buddhas.
His fortyeight vows will be our liberation, in nine lotusstages we reach the farthest shore.
Homage to the buddha of the western pureland, kind and compassionate amitabha.

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