суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

amit varma blog::Who is amit varma amit varma blog

amit varma blog amit varma blog::Who is amit varma?
Some guy in india i guess.
Actually, i know quite a little bit about amit from the several blogs that he keeps.
He also has a blog called that deals with politics and culture that usually has something interesting that amit trolled up through his search of the internet.
It is an enormously entertaining site filled with good writing and good links.
Mostly, i know amit as that fellow who writes back.
I have written many letters to many people, always very polite, and rarely do they respond.
Oh well, people are busy, and i probably write to the busiest people.
Amit is very busy.
Yet he almost always responds with a nice note.
He plans to write a blog about cows.
I have no idea.
My conjecture is that amit likes excellent cappuccinos and excellent chai.
He is a connoisseur: he must have fresh milk.
Therefore he keeps two cows as pets in his mumbai apartment.
And naturally he would want to blog about something like that.
Update: amit has generously supplied his blog knowledge to the task of upgrading the look and feel of this site.

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