суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

amitabh revi::Why did you choose architecture as the theme amitabh revi

amitabh revi amitabh revi::Why did you choose architecture as the theme?
Well, first of all, there are very few films on architecture.
I was born in a family where everyone is an architect.
So it was a natural choice in a way.
But i was also quite curious about it.
I had done a lot of theatre, a lot of studies on art, so i got interested in it when i came back after my studies in europe.
Your latest project in indiale corbusier in india, could you tell us more about that?
Actually, i had done a series for doordarshan at one time and one of the films was on chandigarh.
I thought i could go to france and see what they had over there, about this whole experience of corbusier in india.
So, i thought it would be nice to get into it, and it was really interesting.
Many people would say architecture is a very passive and dull subject.
For example, in the buildings in chandigarh, it was the capital city; we had the parliament, which has to represent democracy.
And how do you represent democracy?
A lot architects worldwide know about chandigarh.
The solutions he gave were brilliant.
And it influences us in many ways, may be unconsciously we feel it, but if we are conscious about it, then its value increases even more.
And how conscious are you about the fact that most, if not all your fims make an entry into film festivals.
How important is that for a film?

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