суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

amit singhal::Even search results that we would consider mistakes of our algorithms started showing up on bing amit singhal

amit singhal amit singhal::Even search results that we would consider mistakes of our algorithms started showing up on bing.
This statistical pattern was too striking to ignore.
In other words, there was absolutely no reason for any search engine to return that webpage for that synthetic query.
You can think of the synthetic queries with inserted results as the search engine equivalent of marked bills in a bank.
We gave 20 of our engineers laptops with a fresh install of microsoft windows running internet explorer 8 with bing toolbar installed.
We asked these engineers to enter the synthetic queries into the search box on the google home page, and click on the results, i.
We were surprised that within a couple weeks of starting this experiment, our inserted results started appearing in bing.
We saw this happen for multiple queries.

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