воскресенье, 18 сентября 2011 г.

amitriptyline for chronic pain::My whole body feels like one big bruise, painful hands and feet, etc amitriptyline for chronic pain

amitriptyline for chronic pain amitriptyline for chronic pain::My whole body feels like one big bruise, painful hands and feet, etc.
Ultram is not available here in canada, only the shorter acting one, tramadol.
I did not like elavil as i found it way too sedating and caused my heart to pound.
I also did not want to take it because i too read about the weight gain people get.
The only thing that takes the edge off is the anticonvulsant topamax.
I did like the fact that it decreases your appetite and i lost weight while on it.
I take wellbutrin for fatigue.
Its an antidepressant, but also is a mild stimulant.
You can add it to your other pills if you are concerned about gaining weight as it gives you extra energy.
I would slowly ween off the elavil.
If the pain comes back, add it again.
The elavil probably gives you a deep refreshing sleep.
I gave you a link for elavil.
People who took it for pain rate in on a scale of one to five and comment on the side effects they got like weight gain, etc

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