пятница, 4 ноября 2011 г.

hair dye highlights in MILL CREEK hair dye highlights MILL CREEK

hair dye highlights in MILL CREEK

hair dye highlights

hair dye highlights MILL CREEK

hair dye highlights in MILL CREEK.Why ids this and how can i get rid of it, yuou can really tell in the sun answer hi rhianna!
Dark hair has alot of red and orange pigment.
I suggest, that you go to sallys and get a toner that has ash, or violet tone.
What you should do is use a reconstructor, like joico kpak use it for a couple of days if not a week, and do them again.
If i understand correctly, and you can put on all the hair and it will not affect the brown hair it will only affect the highlights.
If you want to color the whole thing you would have to get a tint, and make sure that it is ash or violet?
Did that make sense?
The reason that i told you to go to a beauty store because, those home kits, dont give the same results and a professional formula does.
So to the point.
If it is highlights you want to get the orange out.
Use a violet, or ash toner.
If its the whole hair that you want to buy the tint but make sure that it is violet or ash.
If you have any questions let me know.
I want it to be clear so that you wont have a mishap, again.

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