воскресенье, 13 ноября 2011 г.

eyelashes false feather in SANTA CRUZ eyelashes false feather SANTA CRUZ

eyelashes false feather in SANTA CRUZ

eyelashes false feather

eyelashes false feather SANTA CRUZ

eyelashes false feather in SANTA CRUZ.Learn how to apply false eyelashes from a professional makeup artist in this free beauty video.
You can also use a qtip.
And you want to make sure you get a nice even coat.
Make sure you get both corners.
And just shape it towards your eye.
And start with the outer corner and just press it down all the way to the inner corner.
And the difference between the feather eyelashes and the individual ones which we did on the other eye is this is going to be a lot more dramatic.
This is good for a fun girls night out or halloween or something a little more dramatic.
Depending on what your event is.
Okay and look up.
So that is how you do the feather eyelashes.
And you can see the difference between the individuals which look very natural and then the drama that you get from the feathers.

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